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$ ./xi3 --help
./xi3 init-file
        where init-file is a SCM file (default: xi3.scm)

Parameters in the init-file:
        version    : "F", "FT", or "FTS"
        flag-mat   : #t for matrix-scheme
                   : #f for atimes-scheme
        flag-notbl : calculation scheme for the ewald-summation
                   : #t for no-table
                   : #f for with table
        lattice    : dimensions of the periodic box (list or vector of length 3)
        ewald-eps  : tolerance value for ewald-summation cut-off
        np         : number of particles
        x          : particle configuration (list or vector with length 3*np)
        ewald-trs  : (optional) list of ewald_tr parameters
                   : (list or vector with any length)

Kengo Ichiki 2008-10-12