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General Configurations

This section describes the code bonds-groups.c handling bonds and connector vectors. The following is an excerption from the header file;
struct BONDS {
  int n; // number of bonds

  <-- snip -->

  int *ia;
  // ia[n] : particle index of one end of the bond
  int *ib;
  // ib[n] : particle index of the other end of the bond

struct BONDS_GROUP {
  int np; // number of particles in this group
  int *ip;
  // ip[np] : particle index of the group particles
  int *bonds;
  // bonds[np-1] : independent bond list

  int n;                      // number of groups
  struct BONDS_GROUP **group; // grp[ng]
(NOTE: this is still in development and not imported into libstokes yet.)


Kengo Ichiki 2008-10-12