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Up: stokes: Stokesian Dynamics Simulator
Previous: stokes: Stokesian Dynamics Simulator
stokes3 in RYUON-stokes package is a general-purpose
Stokesian-Brownian dynamics simulator.
This simulator covers all range of the implementations in libstokes:
- hydrodynamic interactions with F, FT, and FTS versions
- periodic and non-periodic boundary conditions
- monodisperse and polydisperse systems
- no-slip and Navier slip boundary conditions on the particle surface
- with and without lubrication correction
- with and without fixed particles
- particles as well as chain(s) of particles connected by spring
- non-Brownian and Brownian systems
Because it is the simulator for dynamics,
only mobility problem (or mixed problem with fixed particles) are used.
In the following,
we are going to see parameters given by the ``init-file''
passed to the simulator stokes3.
Note on the unit of length that
most parameters related to the length is scaled by
the parameter ``length,'' while some (including
``length'') are given with the real length unit
which you may take by yourself.
That is, either nanometer (nm) or micrometer (
m) is fine,
but use only one choice (of course).
Kengo Ichiki 2008-10-12